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Here's to a Healthy and Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is just around the corner and it is a holiday centered on gratitude and lots of food! It can also mean stress, overindulgence, and stomach aches. This Thanksgiving, Hoyle Chiropractic & Holistic Solutions would like to start with thanking all of our patients for trusting us with your health over the past 18 years! 15 years in Columbia, MO and approaching 3 years here in Ashland, MO! We couldn't be more grateful! As we approach Thanksgiving week we'd like to share a few tips for a healthy (and maybe less stressful) Thanksgiving.

Drink Water

Drinking water is under-rated in society but staying hydrated is so important for a healthy body, AND is a natural appetite suppressant. Being hydrated helps your body know when you’re actually hungry or just eating mindlessly. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day can keep you from sneaking bites of pumpkin pie as you prepare your meal!

Eat Before the Feast

Many of us will fast before the big Thanksgiving meal but this can lead to overeating. Instead, eat a healthy, well-rounded breakfast when you wake up to help curb your appetite and snack on crunchy vegetables throughout the day instead of your typical chips and dip. If you are heading somewhere for your Thanksgiving maybe bring a vegetable tray and dip to snack on while watching those football games!

Eat Slowly

Something I tell my son nearly every meal! But it's true! It takes about 20 minutes for your stomach to tell your brain that you’re full, so pace yourself throughout your meal. During that 20 minute period, most people overeat so pacing yourself can help. Take pauses between bites and savor just how delicious your meal is. Be mindful of both what you are eating and the conversations at the table. Be Present!

Enjoy a Thanksgiving Stroll

Instead of lounging on the couch after all that turkey, try going for a walk as this can get your digestive juices flowing. Get everyone involved in a little stroll around the neighborhood, or a friendly game of touch football?

Manage Stress

This is a big one! The holidays are a time of enjoyment, but many people feel stress, particularly when entertaining guests. These stress management techniques can help you enjoy your holiday and prevent stress-eating.

Plan ahead: Disorganization and procrastination can lead to stress, so a solid plan will help. Cook dishes ahead of time and clean the house the weekend before the holiday.

Take a few deep breaths. Deep breathing can change your physiology! Whenever you feel your body tightening, jaw clenching, its time...just close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Those breaths that you take into your gut and hold for a few seconds then exhale. AHHHHH....

Give thanks. That’s what Thanksgiving is all about! Put things in perspective and remember everything that you’re thankful for.

We do have a Holiday Stress Supplement section in our office if you are feeling like this holiday season is going to be just too much! Feel free to stop in or call and I can direct you!

Our office will be closed Thanksgiving day but open regular hours other than that.


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